In regard for the need for more volunteers for the Majestic Theatre, the real need is for individuals to be trained and serve as Team Leaders.
The Majestic Theatre is operated by about three volunteers each night and one Team Leader. The Team Leader is responsible for the volunteers and managing the theatre during the night they choose to volunteer. Currently, Team Leaders volunteer about twice a month.
Most Team Leaders have been volunteering since the start of reopening of the Majestic Theatre (over three years ago). Team Leaders are vital to the future of this project.
Without Team Leaders, there would be no movie. If more Team Leaders were available, the Majestic could be open more evenings as well.
The Majestic Board of Directors is looking for individuals (or couples or families) that would be interested in training to be a Team Leader. As a Team Leader, you would be responsible for managing the theatre the night of your choice. To become a TL, you will receive training alongside a current TL until you feel comfortable with working on your own.
If you don’t think being a TL is in your future, you can always be one of our many volunteers.
Please contact Crystal Fangmeier (email Phone 402-768-4183) for any additional questions.
More Team Leaders are needed in order to continue the current schedule of days open. Please consider volunteering one night a month as this would be a big help to the current Team Leaders.
What does a Team Leader do?
Shadow a current Team Leader until you are comfortable doing the following:
Open Theatre no later than 6:00 pm nightly or 1:00 pm for matinee.
Follow instructions for opening (turn on lights, set temperatures in lobby and cinemas, ready register for business, make popcorn, turn on soda and butter machine).
Best to have at least 3 helpers and the Team Leader (cash register person, popcorn person, soda person and at least one more as a helper). A couple more “helpers” may be needed for popular movies. We can assist you to find helpers or you can get your own.
Sell tickets and concessions!
Turn down lights in cinemas.
While movies are playing, you will restock inventory, balance the register, complete paperwork, clean the popcorn and soda machine.
After movie is complete, you will clean cinema (pick up trash and use a blower to blow debris to the front and then sweep up, clean up any spills, sweep lobby).
Take trash out.
Home typically no later than 10:00 pm.
We have a Majestic binder that explains all of the above in detail and important phone numbers of people that can assist when needed.